Monday, October 10, 2011

104th Street at Boundary Bay

Yesterday I went to 104th Street at Boundary Bay. I walked along the path and took photos of the songbirds in the bushes.

                                                                      Song Sparrow                            

Lincoln's Sparrow

Orange-crowned Warbler

Golden-crowned Sparrow

I then turned around and walked back the other way. This time I focused more on the beach, looking for shorebirds. The first shorebirds I came across were 3 Greater Yellowlegs.

After taking photos of the yellowlegs, I notcied a female Northern Harrier over the corn fields on the other side of the path. The Harrier flew across the path and head out over the beach. Later on a saw a male, but he was flying alot faster and was alot harder to get a photo of.

I went back to looking for shorebirds, and after a few minutes of walking, I came across some Black-bellied Plovers. They were far away and I could not get good photos, but here is one of the photos I took of them.

Later on while I was about to leave, a Peregrine Falcon landed in a tree. I took a few photos and got closer, but before I could get more photos, a crow chased the falcon away.

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