Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Great Summer

This year was a great summer for birding for me, and I only started this blog in late summer so I am going to post some photos from the summer that I took before I started this blog.

#1 Purple Martin at Iona Island

#2 Blue-winged and Cinnamon Teal at the George C Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary

#3 Killdeer with eggs at Iona Island

#4 Chestnut-sided Warbler at Camosun Bog

#5 Bullock's Oriole in Richmond

#6 Pileated Woodpeckers in Stanley Park

#7 Green Heron at Colony Farm

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Today (September 24 2011) at Blackie Spit

Today I went to Blackie Spit. As soon as I got out of my car, I notcied a Long-billed Curlew and a Marbled Godwit.







After a while a person arrived with a dog and the dog got close to the curlew and godwit and scared them away.

After the Curlew and Godwit, I noticed 2 Common Loon close to where they Curlew and Godwit had been. Later on I saw another loon but it was way to far away for a reasonable photo.


Next after the loons, I saw 2 flocks of Black-bellied Plovers fly by. Image


After the plovers, I came across some Green-winged Teal.

Just before I left I notcied 2 Caspian Terns resting.

Later that day, I was walking in Richmond and I came across a Barn Owl feather:


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Vanier Park, September 20 2011

Today I visited Vanier Park. Some of the first winter waterbirds at arrived including shovelers (one of the shovelers was a juvenile), pintails and coots. Look below to see some of the photos.

The waterbirds were so entertaning to be near by. The mallards came right next me, the shovelers and pintails came withen 4 feet of me, and the coots who were nervous at first eventually came withen 3 feet of me.

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Savannah Sparrow

American Coot

Northern Shovelers

Northern Shoveler and Blue-winged Teal

Blue-winged Teal

Northern Pintail

Stanley Park Bird Count, September 11 2011

Today I participated in the monthly Stanley Park Bird Count. We saw a juvenile Dark-eyed Junco and lots more. I was suprised when we saw the junco because we don't really get them in the here in the summer, but I was told that Stanley Park is an exception and that Dark-eyed Juncos breed there.

Dark-eyed Junco

(in the front is a Glaucous-winged, in the middle is a juvenile gull that is most likley a Glaucous-winged, an in the back is a Glaucous Winged x Herring or Glaucous Winged x Western Gull hybrid.

Mute Swan

Molting Mallards

Mew Gull

Domestic Goose

Wood Ducks

Northern Shovelers and an American Widgeon

Green-winged Teals

Juvenile Black-throated Gray Warbler

Iona Island, September 6 2011

I headed out to Iona Island today. I saw many Common Yellowthroats (mainly juveniles) and the first American Wigeons. Look below to see different photos from the visit.

Juvenile Pied-billed Grebe

Golden-crowned Sparow

Juvenile Common Yellowthroat

Yellow-rumped Warbler


Savanah Sparrow

Bald Eagle

Ring-billed Gull

American Wigeons
